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DIY Wormfarm

Worm farms are fantastic. Tiger worms can eat their body weight in food each day !!
They are great for digesting biodegradable household waste into compost fast and without smells :)
My wormfarm cost me nothing to build, I used old tyres(a waste resource) and stuff lying around at home(sacking, and a piece of wood for the lid).

Here are a few photo's of my worm farm, and a few links on how to make your worm farm....
You can see how close my wormfarm is to both our house and the neighbors, there is absolutely no smell :) here we are "servicing" the farm, rotating the layers and removing the fresh new compost :) The bottom tyre is removed, the worms and the compost separated by placing into a heap and as the worms "swim" inwards away from the light you can simply remove the fresh new compost.
The now empty tyre is re-packed with damp newspaper, and placed on top of the pile, and the worms are re-introduced.
It's so easy, if ya want more info, please follow the following link, or if you live in christchurch and want to buy worms or come and have a look, send me an e-mail.

A great source of information

Copyright 1997-2013 by Anthony Field on all images/text/information and graphical materials on this website.